Take this five-minute quiz to find out your money personality.
sensation-seeking creative
This curious cat thrives on stimulation and challenge when it comes to money management. High Rollers are fearless and will take risks to achieve financial and personal rewards.
aspiring self-doubting
It's all about the finer things in life for Hunters. This player prefers spending money and living life to the max rather than saving for the future. Hunters know you can't take it with you when you die!
proud conservative
Some people call this player a control freak, but the Achiever is simply in control of their money and happiest making their own wise, financial decisions. Value is important to the Achiever.
positive confident
This happy player is so optimistic about what's going on around them, they sometimes forget to equip themselves for the future. For Optimists it's all about quality over quantity!
performance-driven goal-oriented
The Entrepreneur is constantly on the prowl for big returns. They are driven by achievement, and money is a great way to keep score. The thrill of the chase is more exciting than the amount earned.
wise wealth accumulator
Behold the Master. The Master gets their kicks by using their money wisely. They prefer saving money for the future rather than spending it now. A diversified investment strategy rocks this cat's world.
cautious security-oriented
The Safety Player likes to, you guessed it, play it safe when it comes to money. Risky ventures are off the table for this player because happiness is a sense of security.
analytical thorough
Perfectionists are successful when they learn to apply their analytical skills to their investment decisions. This player does it best when they remember that there are no perfect decisions in life!
hardworking frustrated
The Producer is ambitious, doesn't like to rely on others for anything, and always strives for greater financial gains. Producers home-in on securing their futures like heat-seeking missiles.
Ready to get out of debt (without putting your life on hold)?